Minimum Qualifications Of Teachers at CBSE School

Norms for Teachers Qualifications for appointment as a Teacher in CBSE School at Classes I to VIII under the Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education (RTE) Act 2009 and conduct of Central Teacher Eligibility Test 2011 by the CBSE.

The National Council for Teacher Education (NCTE) had vide Notification dated 23rd August, 2010 laid down the minimum qualifications for a person to be eligible for appointment as a teacher in classes I to VIII. A copy of the said notification is available on the official website of the NCTE and at

The NCTE Notification dated 23.08.2010 inter-alia provided that one of the essential qualifications for a person to be eligible for appointment as a teacher in any of the schools referred to in clause (n) of section 2 of the RTE Act is that he/she should pass the Teacher Eligibility Test (TET) which will be conducted by the appropriate Government in accordance with the Guidelines framed by the NCTE.

Here Onwards its clear that, all the appointments of teachers in classes I to VIII in the schools affiliated or to be affiliated with the CBSE are to be made as per the minimum qualifications notified by the NCTE.

Now, the Ministry of Human Resource Development, Government of India has entrusted the responsibility of conducting the Central Teacher Eligibility Test (CTET) to the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE). This CTET shall apply to the schools affiliated or to be affiliated with the CBSE in the following manner:-

  1. CTET conducted by the CBSE is applicable to the schools of the Central Government (KVS, NVS, and Central Tibetan Schools etc.) and schools under the administrative control of UT of Chandigarh and Andaman & Nicobar Islands.
  2. Unaided private schools may exercise the option of considering the CTET conducted by the CBSE or TET conducted by the State Government.
  3. The schools owned and managed by the State Government/local bodies and aided schools shall either consider the TET conducted by the State Government or the CTET conducted by the CBSE. The first CTET viz CTET 2011 is scheduled to be conducted by the CBSE on 26th June, 2011 and the details of the CTET 2011 are available on the CBSE Website All the schools/school managements are advised to take appropriate action accordingly.

All the schools/school managements are advised to take appropriate action accordingly.

There are set rules by National Council For Teachers education (NCTE) for the minimum qualification of teachers to teach in schools. In CBSE Affiliation its mandatory for Teachers Appointment to follow guidelines.

You can visit the link below for more details:

CBSE circular link



How to start your own CBSE School: A Short Guide

Primary Research Work

Starting your own CBSE School doesn’t have to be an overwhelming or complicated process. In fact, getting started with your own CBSE School can actually be pretty straightforward and simple, especially if you have all of the right information, support and guidance behind you. With all of the red tape involved with starting any type of school (particularly an educational one), this can seem like a daunting task, but with this complete guide on how to start your own CBSE School you’ll be well on your way to opening up your very own school in no time at all!

Before you even begin planning to start a CBSE school, it is important that you do your research. Start by researching the concept of the school and what it is that you want to achieve. This will help you create a budget plan and ensure that your school meets all the requirements needed to become a certified CBSE school.
Create a Business Plan
Once you know the expenses involved in setting up a CBSE school, you need to create a comprehensive business plan. A good business plan should outline your proposed activities, mission statement, target market, potential sources of revenue, goals, and objectives. Additionally, your business plan should include a detailed financial analysis including start-up and operating costs, expected profits and losses, cash flow projections, and an overall budget plan.
When writing your business plan, make sure to be realistic and honest about the capabilities and financial resources of your school. If there are any areas where additional funding may be needed, clearly state how it will be used and how it will benefit the school in the long run. Additionally, you should also mention any strategies that will be implemented to ensure that the CBSE curriculum is maintained at the highest possible standard.
Finally, make sure to include a detailed marketing plan in your business plan. This should include information about potential markets that you can tap into and details on any promotional activities or campaigns that you intend to launch. By taking the time to craft an effective business plan, you can ensure that your CBSE school has a solid foundation and is well-prepared for success.
Permits and State Affiliations
Starting a CBSE school requires you to obtain the necessary licenses and permits. Before beginning your journey, it is important to know the rules and regulations of school establishment.
First, you will need to determine the location of the school and make sure that the land rules of that particular area allow for setting up a school. You will also need to get permission from the local government to use the land for a school. It is also important to get a No Objection Certificate (NOC) from the relevant departments.
You will then need to apply for the NOC from the District Education Officer, the Local Bodies, Fire Department, Police Department, Revenue Department, and Public Health Engineering Department. You should also obtain an NOC from the Pollution Control Board.
Once you have obtained all these documents, you will be able to start the process of setting up your school. Make sure that you meet all the requirements for setting up a CBSE school so that you can ensure quality education for your students.
Site Selection for School Building
Choosing a location for your CBSE school is an important decision that will have long-term implications. When selecting a spot, you should take into account factors such as land feasibility, land size, and child safety.
Hiring Qualified Staff
When starting your own CBSE school, one of the most important elements is to ensure that you hire qualified staff. According to CBSE norms, it is mandatory for all teaching staff to have a Bachelor’s degree and Bachelor of Education (B.Ed) qualification. This ensures that the teacher is well-versed with the topics they will be teaching, and they can competently teach the students.
In addition to these qualifications, you should also look for other skills in the staff members. Good communication skills, problem solving capabilities, organizational abilities and an ability to motivate students are all important qualities that your staff should possess. Your staff should also demonstrate commitment and enthusiasm for their job.
Having quality staff on board is essential to running a successful CBSE school. You should take the time to properly vet each applicant and get references from past employers or universities before making a final decision. You should also provide ongoing training and support to ensure that your staff are able to keep up with the latest methods of teaching and remain up to date with the changing syllabus.
Market Your School
Creating a successful CBSE school requires more than just a sound curriculum and excellent facilities. You also need to market your school in order to stand out from the competition and ensure that students and parents are aware of its unique selling points (USPs).
The key to effective school branding is to identify your USPs and then use them to create an engaging and memorable brand identity. You should take the time to evaluate what makes your school different from others in your area, such as a focus on STEM education or a specific language program. Once you have identified your USPs, you can create promotional materials that highlight them.
Another important aspect of branding is to create a professional logo for your school. Your logo will be the face of your school, appearing on all marketing materials and in places like the school website, stationary, and uniforms. Choose a logo design that conveys the values and mission of your school, and make sure it is eye-catching and recognizable.
You should also consider ways to incorporate your USPs into the overall experience of attending your school. For example, if you are promoting a focus on STEM education, you could create after-school clubs or activities that encourage students to explore their interests in technology and science. This helps to demonstrate your commitment to the subject and can give prospective students and parents a more tangible sense of what makes your school special.
Finally, don’t forget to use traditional marketing techniques to promote your school. This could include newspaper advertisements, posters, billboards, or radio spots. You can also leverage digital media channels such as social media and email marketing to spread the word about your school. By creating a consistent message across all platforms, you can ensure that parents and students remember your school and its USPs when making their decisions.
By properly leveraging your USPs, you can create an effective brand for your CBSE school that will help it stand out from the competition. Investing in good branding now will pay dividends for years to come as you build a successful school with satisfied students and parents.
Apply for CBSE Affiliation
After getting school permission from State Board school has to apply for CBSE/IB or IGCSE. The process will depends on board and the rules. All board timeline will be different to process but mostly the primary steps and rules are common. The school has to apply to the board for affiliation and then the board will appoint inspection teams for inspection. The board will inspect school infrastructure, staff, teaching methods and curriculum etc. After inspection team approves the school board will grant permission for affiliation. CBSE/IB or IGCSE will also provide study material, CBSE/IB or IGCSE certified teachers and teacher training to the school. Finally, the board will issue an Affiliation Number to the school which will be used for all future activities.

How to check any school CBSE Affiliation Status?

Many times for parents and as well as teachers need to confirm if school is actually affiliated to CBSE or not.

Anyone who wants to check or verify any school CSBE affiliation can visit CBSE website and check the status. CBSE has listed all schools name with affiliation numbers with some necessary details state, region wise in this website.

Below is link shared :

सी.बी.एस.ई. मान्यता / अफिलिएशन कैसे प्राप्त करें

सी बी एस ई द्वारा मान्यता या सम्बद्धता हेतु न्यूनतम मापदंड तय किये गए हैं उनके आधारशीला पर ही मान्यता के लिए आवेदन किया जा सकता है , बिंदुवार इनको समझे :

१)  विद्यालय / स्कूल / पाठशाला शुरू करने के लिए भारत में सर्व प्रथम आपको सोसायटी / ट्रस्ट / सेक्शन-8 कंपनी बनाना अनिवार्य हैं | इसके बिना आप स्कूल का प्रयोजन नहीं कर सकते, यह तीनो का उद्देश्य NOT – FOR – PROFIT(गैर लाभार्थ) होना चाहिए  

२) सी बी एस ई द्वारा न्यूनतम भूमि आवश्यकता 1.5 एकड़ है लेकिन ऐसे कई और मापदंड हैं शहर एवं प्रान्त अनुसार जिससे कम जगह में भी विद्यालय शुरू कर सकते हैं| जिस भूमि पर स्कूल बनाया जाएगा उसे या तो लीज किया जाना चाहिए या समाज या ट्रस्ट के नाम पर होना चाहिए।

३) भवन का निर्माण सरकार व् नेशनल बिल्डिंग कोड के तहत शिक्षा के लिए तय मापदंडों के अनुरूप होना चाहिए व् समय समय पर सुपर कोर्ट व् सीबीएसई द्वारा दिए गए निर्देशों पर आधारित होना चाहिए |  

३) राज्य सरकार की शिक्षा विभाग या बोर्ड से संबद्धता / मान्यता प्राप्त करें (स्थानीय शिक्षा कार्यालय से अनुमोदन प्राप्त करें)

४) राज्य सरकार से अनापत्ति प्रमाण पत्र सीबीएसई की मान्यता हेतु एक अनिवार्य नियम है 

५) विद्यालय शुरू करने के बाद नियमानुसार शिक्षक व् स्टाफ की भर्ती फिर बच्चों का एडमिशन , सभी दस्तावेज तैयार करने होते हैं 

६) सीबीएसई मान्यता हेतु आवेदन ऑनलाइन जमा लिए जाते हैं जिसके लिए सीबीएसई का पोर्टल प्रति वर्ष “जनवरी से मार्च’ के बीच खुलता है जिसके लिए एंजियां करना होता हैं , सभी आवश्यक मांगी गयी जानकरी को भरे और अंत में पंजीयन शुल्क ऑनलाइन या फिर बैंक चलन के माध्यम से जमा किया जाता है |

ऑनलाइन आवेदन की प्रगति की जांच समय समय पर करते  क्युकी सीबीएसई ऑनलाइन पोर्टल के माध्यम से सुचना जारी करती है, सीबीएसई आपको इसके लिए सुविधा प्रदान करता है।  अपडेट ऑनलाइन प्राप्त करने  के लिए नियमित रूप से वेबसाइट चेक करना  होता है और उसी में आपका पत्र सीबीएसई द्वारा अपलोड (जारी)  किया जाता है

आपके आवेदन की पुस्टि हो जाने पर सीबीएसई उन अधिकारियों का जिक्र करते हुए एक पत्र जारी  करता है जिन्हें स्कूल आने और निरीक्षण करने के लिए नियुक्त किया गया है।  समय बर्बाद किए बिना, उनके साथ संपर्क करते हुए ३० दिन के अंदर उन्हें निरिक्षण के लिए आने की व्यवस्था करें। उनमें से अधिकतर एक केंद्रीय विद्यालय (केन्द्रीय विद्यालय) प्रिंसिपल  और दुसरे किसी भी सहायता प्राप्त या गैर-सहायता प्राप्त स्कूल से अनुभवी हाथ । 

७) निरिक्षण उपरांत सभी रिपोर्ट ऑनलाइन ही जमा किये जाते हैं और निरिक्षण की फाइल सबसेभेज दी जाती है | 

८) फाइल व् निरिक्षण की रिपोर्ट के आधार पर सीबीएसई मान्यता या एफिलिएशन प्रदान करती है जिसे सीधे ऑनलाइन ही दिए जाता हैं | 

इस पूरी प्रक्रिया में सालभर का समय लग सकता हैं | 

नोट : – सीबीएसई मान्यता की प्रक्रिया एक पारदर्शी प्रक्रिया है, अगर स्कूल सीबीएसई द्वारा तय मापदंडों पर पूरी तरह से खरी है  और आपके कागज दुरुस्त हैं  तो इसमें बिचौलियों की कोई भूमिका नहीं होती|  

किसी स्कूल के मान्यता की प्रकिया का देर तक चलना या आवेदन का रद्द हो जाने के कुछ  कारण होते हैं :-

अ ) बहुतायत स्कूल प्रिंसिपल या प्रबंधन को नियमो व् स्कूल निरिक्षण की प्रक्रिया के लिए जरुरी दस्तावेजों की जानकरी नहीं होती य फिर इसे सरल या आसानी से “Manage ” कर लिया जाने वाला मान लेते हैं
ब ) वो इस कार्य पर समय नहीं दे पाते
स ) पत्राचार एक कला है जिसमे विशेष ध्यान देने की आवश्यकता होती है कोई भी जवाब देते समय उसकी “लीगल” जरुरत को ध्यान में रखना होता है |

सीबीएसई के आवेदन हेतु लिंक : –

सीबीएसई द्वारा जारी आपके सवालों के जवाब:


आप अपने विद्यालय की सीबीएसई मान्यता की तैयारी में प्रारम्भ से सलाहकार के रूप में “स्कूल सपोर्ट” से सहयोग ले सकते हैं संपर्क हेतु +91 9644888899 पर कॉल कर सकते हैं