Secrets That Will Get Your Resume Shortlisted

You have a maximum of 30 seconds for your CV to grab a recruiter’s attention. Make it count!

Rejected CV: 1. A Ridiculous Email Address

You may be a fan of Shahrukh Khan, but do you need really need to use this simply daft email address –

Email addresses like this should be kept for private use. It takes 5 minutes to set up a ‘professional sounding’ email address via any free email providers.

We see some real shocking email addresses and they give us an instant negative perception of a candidate.  Try to stick to using your name with an email address.  What a shame it would be to be the perfect fit for a position only to fall at the first hurdle because of your ‘funny’ email address?

Rejected CV: 2. Spelling & Grammar

No real excuses for this, but it’s amazing the amount of CVs that come through littered with spelling mistakes and poor grammar. We have even seen the misspelling of Curriculum Vitae itself. Try and remember that this is a document that represents you and mistakes will reflect incredibly badly.
Check and check your CV once again. And then pass it onto a friend who will able to check it and give you some constructive criticism. One great way to check your CV is to sit down and read it out loud. This will flag up any sections that may be too long or may need more punctuation.

Rejected CV: 3. Formatting

There is nothing worse than seeing a CV on screen or paper with a Poor formatting won’t just turn off the recruiter it could also put a candidate at a real disadvantage when it comes to job boards. Some job boards will struggle to correctly display a poorly formatted CV at all.

Rejected CV: 4. Silly Fonts

We get so many CVs where people go a bit ‘artistic’ and use 5 different fonts in all the colours of the rainbow. The golden CV rule is to keep to one single easy to read font like Calibri, Arial or the newspaper font of choice, Times New Roman and to keep the font black. Avoid those hard to read fonts like Blackadder ITC or ugly fonts like Comic Sans.  And try and keep the font size to at least 10.  Reducing the size to 8, it probably indicates that your CV is too busy.


Rejected CV: 5. Misleading Information

All businesses are now carrying out extensive background checks prior to taking somebody on board. Nearly everybody embellishes their achievements in jobs on their CV, but stretching the truth could land you in hot water. We have seen many candidates trip themselves up, with the most common misleading information being put on CVs being:

  • The inaccuracy of dates to try and cover up job hopping or unexplained gaps in employment
  • Inflated education achievements, including purchasing online/distance degrees which are worthless
  • Inflated salaries
  • Exaggerated job titles
  • Exaggerated career accomplishments
  • Blatant lies in regards to roles and duties
There can be many other reasons but we have mentioned few in our above post.
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