Before any one starts the construction of any school building which will be seeking CBSE Affiliation, must satisfy the following conditions as mentioned in latest CBSE Byelaws. :
Class Rooms – Minimum size should be 8 m. x 6 m. (approximately 500. sq. ft.). There should be one room for each class. Minimum floor space should be at least 1 sq. mtr. per student.
Science Laboratory – (Composite for Secondary or/and separate Physics, Chemistry and Biology for Senior Secondary)- minimum size should be 9 m. x 6m. each (approximately 600 sq. ft) and should be fully equipped.
Library : Minimum size should be 14 m. x 8 m. fully equipped and with reading room facility and other resources to cater to the strength of students in the school.
Computer Laboratory : Minimum size of computer laboratory should be 9 m x 6 m each (approx. 600 sq.ft.)
There should be minimum one lab if the school strength of students in the school is up to 800. For every additional (up to) 800 students one more lab will be required.
If the school is offering any subject related to Computer Science or IT at Senior Secondary level, it should have a separate laboratory with adequate provisions for the same.
Mathematics Laboratory – The School should have separate provision for Mathematics Laboratory at least of the size of a regular class room.
Rooms for extracurricular activities – either separate rooms for music, dance, arts & sports etc. or one multipurpose hall of adequate size for all these activities.
Drinking water, Toilets and other Physical Facilities :
-The School will provide adequate facilities for potable drinking water on each floor.
-The School will provide clean healthy and hygienic toilets on each floor with washing facilities for boys and girls separately in proportion to the number of students. The toilets for the primary students should be separate from other toilets. There should be separate toilets for staff members. Signage Boards should be displayed prominently on the toilets of all categories.
-The School shall provide proper facilities like, ramps in toilets and at entry/exit points for wheelchair users and auditory signals in elevators/lifts in accordance with the provisions laid down in RPWD Act- 2016.
-The School should have suitable furniture in the Class rooms commensurate with the strength of students and staff.
-The school should have the needed equipment and facilities as per the syllabus prescribed for Sciences, Home Science, Technical subjects, Vocational subjects and various activities under Work Experience and Art Education etc.
The school shall follow the guidelines related to the safety of the children in schools contained in the following:
(a) The guidelines issued by the Hon’ble Supreme Court of India in Writ Petition (Civil) no. 483 of 2004 in the matter of Avinash Mehrotra (Petitioner) Versus Union of India & Others (Respondents)
(b) The Guidelines on School Safety Policy, 2016 issued by the National Disaster Management Authority which is statutory in nature.
(c) Manual on Safety and Security of Children in Schools Developed by National Commission for Protection of Child Rights .
(d) National Building Code-2005, as amended from time to time.
“The School should scrupulously observe prescription from the State Government/Municipal Authority/Transport Department regarding health & hygiene, drinking water, fire safety, building safety and transport precautions in the school.
The School should have adequate facilities for providing recreation activities and physical education as well as for conduct of various activities and programs for developmental education and for the social, cultural and moral development of the students and for safeguarding their health.
PLAYGROUND : Adequate ground to create outdoor facilities for at least 200-meter Athletics Track. Facilities for Kabbadi, Kho-Kho, Volleyball, basketball etc.
For reference one can look the important requirements given in CBSE Bye laws.
For your school project you can contact us for getting the school building design consultation and we can also connect with Education Architect and experience school building construction company. Please connect us at 9644888899.
Area required in total
That will depend on your requirements and a total number of students. As per students’ strength area will differ. We have shared the requirements as per norms.
How much window size is required for ventilation in a room of cbse affiliated school?
As per CBSE, there are no direct norms specified for window sizes.
CBSE instructs in CBSE Byelaws under Clause 4.7.6 in a, b, c,d on Page No. 14 to follow the guidelines issued by the Hon’ble Supreme Court of India, School Safety Policy 2016 issued by NDMA, and National Building Code 2005.
Nice post and very informative thanks to post.
Thank You..
How many floors are allowed in CBSE school
The school buildings are permitted to have only up to three stories (ground + two floors). This restriction was imposed on schools based on the recommendations of Justice Sampath Commission, which probed the tragic 2004 Kumbakonam school fire accident.
But you need to check for the updates & latest changes in rules (if any) from PWD department with the help of Architect for your location/city.
Hello Sir.. what are the rules of approach road of school. My school is in village area.
As per norms you should have at least 40 Feet width of approach road. So that 2 ambulance can easily go inside the school.