Can someone run the same school in two different locations?

We get many question by School Promoters,  regarding school name change, school location, school legal establishment rules and other legal query. This was also same question repeated number of times, so sharing with you the reply as per my experience and understanding. 

Technically No, because to run a school any State or Central Govt gives permission to the ‘premises or land’ in which is run by authorized and registered society.

  1. So permission are given to  ‘Address, at Land, Building and Facilities’ shown in permission application. 

    So on same permission we cannot run schools in two different places. 

2. School Name can be the same, but for both location we need to take different permissions.

सी.बी.एस.ई. मान्यता / अफिलिएशन कैसे प्राप्त करें

सी बी एस ई द्वारा मान्यता या सम्बद्धता हेतु न्यूनतम मापदंड तय किये गए हैं उनके आधारशीला पर ही मान्यता के लिए आवेदन किया जा सकता है , बिंदुवार इनको समझे :

१)  विद्यालय / स्कूल / पाठशाला शुरू करने के लिए भारत में सर्व प्रथम आपको सोसायटी / ट्रस्ट / सेक्शन-8 कंपनी बनाना अनिवार्य हैं | इसके बिना आप स्कूल का प्रयोजन नहीं कर सकते, यह तीनो का उद्देश्य NOT – FOR – PROFIT(गैर लाभार्थ) होना चाहिए  

२) सी बी एस ई द्वारा न्यूनतम भूमि आवश्यकता 1.5 एकड़ है लेकिन ऐसे कई और मापदंड हैं शहर एवं प्रान्त अनुसार जिससे कम जगह में भी विद्यालय शुरू कर सकते हैं| जिस भूमि पर स्कूल बनाया जाएगा उसे या तो लीज किया जाना चाहिए या समाज या ट्रस्ट के नाम पर होना चाहिए।

३) भवन का निर्माण सरकार व् नेशनल बिल्डिंग कोड के तहत शिक्षा के लिए तय मापदंडों के अनुरूप होना चाहिए व् समय समय पर सुपर कोर्ट व् सीबीएसई द्वारा दिए गए निर्देशों पर आधारित होना चाहिए |  

३) राज्य सरकार की शिक्षा विभाग या बोर्ड से संबद्धता / मान्यता प्राप्त करें (स्थानीय शिक्षा कार्यालय से अनुमोदन प्राप्त करें)

४) राज्य सरकार से अनापत्ति प्रमाण पत्र सीबीएसई की मान्यता हेतु एक अनिवार्य नियम है 

५) विद्यालय शुरू करने के बाद नियमानुसार शिक्षक व् स्टाफ की भर्ती फिर बच्चों का एडमिशन , सभी दस्तावेज तैयार करने होते हैं 

६) सीबीएसई मान्यता हेतु आवेदन ऑनलाइन जमा लिए जाते हैं जिसके लिए सीबीएसई का पोर्टल प्रति वर्ष “जनवरी से मार्च’ के बीच खुलता है जिसके लिए एंजियां करना होता हैं , सभी आवश्यक मांगी गयी जानकरी को भरे और अंत में पंजीयन शुल्क ऑनलाइन या फिर बैंक चलन के माध्यम से जमा किया जाता है |

ऑनलाइन आवेदन की प्रगति की जांच समय समय पर करते  क्युकी सीबीएसई ऑनलाइन पोर्टल के माध्यम से सुचना जारी करती है, सीबीएसई आपको इसके लिए सुविधा प्रदान करता है।  अपडेट ऑनलाइन प्राप्त करने  के लिए नियमित रूप से वेबसाइट चेक करना  होता है और उसी में आपका पत्र सीबीएसई द्वारा अपलोड (जारी)  किया जाता है

आपके आवेदन की पुस्टि हो जाने पर सीबीएसई उन अधिकारियों का जिक्र करते हुए एक पत्र जारी  करता है जिन्हें स्कूल आने और निरीक्षण करने के लिए नियुक्त किया गया है।  समय बर्बाद किए बिना, उनके साथ संपर्क करते हुए ३० दिन के अंदर उन्हें निरिक्षण के लिए आने की व्यवस्था करें। उनमें से अधिकतर एक केंद्रीय विद्यालय (केन्द्रीय विद्यालय) प्रिंसिपल  और दुसरे किसी भी सहायता प्राप्त या गैर-सहायता प्राप्त स्कूल से अनुभवी हाथ । 

७) निरिक्षण उपरांत सभी रिपोर्ट ऑनलाइन ही जमा किये जाते हैं और निरिक्षण की फाइल सबसेभेज दी जाती है | 

८) फाइल व् निरिक्षण की रिपोर्ट के आधार पर सीबीएसई मान्यता या एफिलिएशन प्रदान करती है जिसे सीधे ऑनलाइन ही दिए जाता हैं | 

इस पूरी प्रक्रिया में सालभर का समय लग सकता हैं | 

नोट : – सीबीएसई मान्यता की प्रक्रिया एक पारदर्शी प्रक्रिया है, अगर स्कूल सीबीएसई द्वारा तय मापदंडों पर पूरी तरह से खरी है  और आपके कागज दुरुस्त हैं  तो इसमें बिचौलियों की कोई भूमिका नहीं होती|  

किसी स्कूल के मान्यता की प्रकिया का देर तक चलना या आवेदन का रद्द हो जाने के कुछ  कारण होते हैं :-

अ ) बहुतायत स्कूल प्रिंसिपल या प्रबंधन को नियमो व् स्कूल निरिक्षण की प्रक्रिया के लिए जरुरी दस्तावेजों की जानकरी नहीं होती य फिर इसे सरल या आसानी से “Manage ” कर लिया जाने वाला मान लेते हैं
ब ) वो इस कार्य पर समय नहीं दे पाते
स ) पत्राचार एक कला है जिसमे विशेष ध्यान देने की आवश्यकता होती है कोई भी जवाब देते समय उसकी “लीगल” जरुरत को ध्यान में रखना होता है |

सीबीएसई के आवेदन हेतु लिंक : –

सीबीएसई द्वारा जारी आपके सवालों के जवाब:


आप अपने विद्यालय की सीबीएसई मान्यता की तैयारी में प्रारम्भ से सलाहकार के रूप में “स्कूल सपोर्ट” से सहयोग ले सकते हैं संपर्क हेतु +91 9644888899 पर कॉल कर सकते हैं  


Rules of CBSE to form School Management Committee

Subject to relevant provision in the Education Act of the State/UT concerned, every affiliated school should have a scheme of management as per following clauses.

All the schools affiliated with the board shall have a School Management Committee as stipulated in RTE Act 2009, any other enactment or regulations framed by the State/Appropriate Government.

8.2. Composition of School Management Committee:

8.2.1. The management committee of a recognized aided school shall consist of not more than fifteen members; and the management committee of a private unaided school shall consist of not more than twenty one members;

However in case of senior secondary schools offering vocational subject additional member(s) (subject expert(s) as per subject offered may be appointed.

8.2.2. subject to provisions of clause 8.1 and the total number of members specified in clause 8.2.1, every management committee shall include the following namely:-

(a) The Head of the school. S/he will be a Member Secretary of the School Management Committee;

(b) Two parents of students studying in the school. One father and one mother of students specifically in co-educational schools.

(c) Two teachers of the schools;

(d) Two other persons (of whom one shall be women); who are, or have been, teachers of any other school or of any college, to be nominated by the Trust/Society/Company;

(e) Two members to be nominated by the Board;

(f) The remaining members to be nominated or elected as the case may be, in accordance with the rules and regulations of the society/trust/Company running the school.

(g) Members may be nominated as per the conditions, if any, laid down in the “No Objection Certificate”.

(h) At least fifty percent members should be women.

Provided further that the above provisions shall be implemented with immediate effect and the schools affiliated earlier and not complying with above provisions shall be required to take remedial measures with suitable qualified substitutes within a year of notification of these byelaws.

8.3. The term of the members of the Management Committee shall be three years. A member can be re-nominated for another term but a member cannot remain in office for more than two consecutive terms except ex-officio members and the members of the Trust/Society/Company.

8.4. Powers and Functions of the School Management Committee

Subject to overall control of the Society/Trust/ Company the duties, powers and responsibilities of the School Management Committee shall include but not limited to the following:

8.4.1. It shall supervise the activities of the school for its smooth functioning.

8.4.2. It will work according to the specific directions given by the Society/Trust/Company regarding admission policy. However, it shall ensure that admissions are made as per merit without discretion of gender, disability, religion, race, caste, creed and place of birth etc. strictly as per state policy.

8.4.3. It shall look into the welfare of the teachers and employees of the school.

8.4.4. It shall evolve both short-term and long-term plans for the improvement of the school.

8.4.5. It shall make appointment of teachers and non teaching staff.

8.4.6. It shall exercise financial powers beyond those delegated to the Principal within the budgetary provisions of the school.

8.4.7. It shall take stock of academic programmes and progress of the school without jeopardizing the academic freedom of Principal.

8.4.8. It shall guide the Principal in school management.

8.4.9. It shall ensure that the norms given in the Acts/Rules of the State/UT and of the CBSE regarding terms and conditions of service and other rules governing recognition/Affiliation of the school are strictly adhered to.

8.4.10. It shall ensure that no financial irregularity is committed and no irregular procedure with regard to admission/examinations is adopted.

8.4.11. It shall approve the rates of Fees and other charges subject to the conditions laid down in Chapter-7. (CBSE Byelaws)

8.4.12. It shall review the budget of the school presented by the Principal and forward the same to Society/Trust/Company for approval.

8.4.13. It shall ensure the safety and security of children and staff of the school and give directions for improvement.

8.4.14. It shall look in to grievances of the teachers and staff in connection with their service conditions and pay etc. and dispose such grievances in accordance with applicable rules.

8.4.15. The School Management Committee will meet at least twice in an academic session.

8.5. The provisions contained in Acts and Regulations of the Appropriate Government will prevail upon the provisions related to School Management Committee in these byelaws.

(Please keep checking CBSE and state Govt circulars for change of rules)

Source :

Importance of Digital Marketing for the School Education

Digital Marketing is the online promotion of services / businesses and their brands through digital media channels which include website, social media, radio, television, mobile and even forms of traditionally non-digital media such as sign boards and hoardings. In simple, any marketing media that is delivered electronically or digitally is considered digital marketing.

Digital Marketing for Education (Schools)

The highly increased use of the internet and digital media has been a major influence in the field of education. The education sector is a revolutionized sector because the majority  of parents and students are the users of the internet.

This has a direct implication on the way that schools need to utilize the web and mobile to connect with more parents and students.

Why Digital Marketing is the Best Means to Impress  public?

Digital marketing is the best means to reach the majority of educated population today because of several reasons. Some of these reasons include:

  • Everyone is searching online for education or any other information 
  • People spends most of  their time on the internet rather in front of other media such as television.
  • Advertisements on the internet are highly effective compared to offline advertising
  • Display advertisements outperform traditional advertising.
  • Most parents and guardians today judge a school or college based on its website and its online presence, reviews and ratings.
  • Most students have started judging a school or college through its online presence.
  • The internet is the most favored and simple channel for applying and making admission queries.
  • Expatriates and outstation students depend more on the web for college admissions.
  • Parents and students consider the web as a convenient means for carrying out the admission processes and other required processes.

Why Digital Marketing for Education Sector? How It is Advantageous for Schools?

The following are some reasons to consider the use of digital marketing schools:

Awareness: Social media platforms & online visibility is the best approach to generate brand awareness effectively and to reach the right target group as they consist of a large group of audience.

They can help you enhance your followers followed by increased conversion rate. Numerous educational industries executed social media marketing techniques successfully to enhance leads, audience and brand awareness as well.

Virtuous Response: Online is the best medium to communicate and interact with your targeted audience in no or less time. Online Marketing channels provide the reply to audience feedback and individuals read queries instantly through social media channels.

Cost Effective: Digital Marketing channels are reasonable compared with traditional promoting strategies. Online marketing strategies such as email marketing, social media marketing require small execution cost or investment. Through Digital Marketing, educational industries can focus on a bigger audience at a low venture and achieve considerable benefits.

High Conversion Rates: E-mail and SMS are an important part of Digital Marketing that can help the educational institutions in getting high response rates because of the way that they are close to people. With Digital Marketing services for schools & colleges, educational industries can easily reach their targeted group in an effective way.

Measurable Conclusions: Digital Marketing tracking tools assist you to track and measure the adequacy of your online marketing campaign for schools and colleges. Get important information or insights for your Digital Marketing technique and improve your education industry marketing objectives.

The education industry has been growing as a leader in today’s developing digital marketing trends. Digital marketing for education sector assists universities and schools, college institutions in building their brand and also to amplify the student recruitment process.

Google for School Education

For teachers and students, the education-friendly platform Google Classroom brings the benefits of paperless sharing and digital collaboration to classrooms. There are Google’s most popular tools — Gmail, Google Calendar, and Google Docs are now staples for getting organized and getting work done. These collaboration-friendly tools have revolutionized the way we communicate, work together, and store information online.   Millions of teachers and students use Google Classroom around the world.

Google Classroom – Introduction

Google describes Google Classroom as “mission control for your classroom,” and this might be the easiest way to think about it. Simply put, it’s a platform that ties together Google’s G Suite tools for teachers and students. It also acts as a digital organizer where teachers can keep class materials and share them with students — all paperless-ly. From there, you can pick and choose the features you want to incorporate. This flexibility, and its seamless integration with Google’s popular tools, is likely what’s made Google Classroom one of the most widely-used edtech tools today.

Google Classroom is not an LMS?

Technically Google Classroom is not a stand-alone learning management system (LMS), course management system (CMS), or student information system (SIS). That said, Google regularly adds new functions to Google Classroom. In June 2019, for example, Google announced that schools will soon be able to sync the tool’s new grading features to an existing student information system. As Google continues to add features, it’s likely that it may start to look, and function, more like an LMS. But for now it’s best to think of the tool as a one-stop shop for class organization.

 Google Classroom can be used by..

Anyone! Google Classroom is included as a free service for anyone with a personal Google account, and it’s also free for organizations using G Suite for Education or G Suite for Nonprofits. In most cases, teachers and students can access Google Classroom using a Google account provided by their school. While teachers and students in schools are the primary users of Google Classroom, there are also features that administrators, families, and home-schoolers can use.

Teachers use Google Classroom

Because it’s a fairly flexible platform, educators use its features in a lot of different ways. With Google Classroom, teachers can:

  • Streamline how they manage classes. The platform integrates with Google’s other tools like Docs, Drive, and Calendar, so there are lots of built-in “shortcuts” for classroom-management tasks. For example, if you post an assignment with a due date, it’s automatically added to the class calendar for your students to see.
  • Digitally organize, distribute, and collect assignments, course materials, and student work. Teachers can also post an assignment to multiple classes or modify and reuse assignments from year to year. If your students have regular access to devices, Google Classroom can help you avoid some trips to the photocopier and cut down on some of the paper shuffling that comes with teaching and learning.
  • Communicate with students about their classwork. You can use the platform to post announcements and reminders about assignments, and it’s easy to see who has or hasn’t completed their work. You can also check in with individual students privately, answer their questions, and offer support.
  • Give students timely feedback on their assignments and assessments. Within Google Classroom, it’s possible to use Google Forms to create and share quizzes that are automatically graded as students turn them in. You’ll not only spend less time grading, but your students will get instant feedback on their work.

Do teachers use Google Classroom to teach live, like with Zoom?

Not usually. However, Google is offering the premium features of Hangouts Meet for free to teachers and students who are at home during the coronavirus pandemic, which allows for virtual meetings of up to 250 people as well as livestreaming. In addition to live video capabilities, the recording feature in Google Meet gives teachers an easy tool for creating prerecorded lesson videos for students to watch on their own time. Teachers can get started with Google Meet with these helpful video tutorials from the Google for Education Teacher Center.

How do I set up my Google Classroom?

The basic setup process for Google Classroom is pretty intuitive, even for first-time users. The Google Teacher Center offers several tutorials for getting started — this is your best bet if you’re looking for the most up-to-date videos and information. There are also plenty of do-it-yourself tutorials on YouTube posted by teachers and tech-integration specialists. Many of these teacher-created videos include practical tips and tricks they’ve learned from using the platform in their own classrooms.

What is Google doing with my students’ data? Should I be worried about privacy?

As an educator, protecting your students’ privacy and data should definitely be a consideration whenever you’re choosing a digital tool for your classroom. Anytime a tool might collect data from students, it’s important to ask questions about how the companies involved are securing, using, or storing student data. For more information, be sure to read our full privacy review of Google Classroom.

Google says that data privacy and security is a high priority for all G Suite for Education products. However, educators should keep in mind that parents and families have a right to opt out if they don’t want their children using Google products in school. Before launching Google Classroom, school administrators and teachers might want to have an alternative plan in place for students who may opt out.

In the past, some educators, families, and advocates have expressed doubts about Google’s ability to deliver on promises about privacy and data protection. What’s more, the prominence of Google branding and products in schools has raised questions about the trade-offs of allowing Google to build its brand in schools. Whether you use Google Classroom or not, it’s important to get students thinking critically about data privacy and the commercialization we see in different aspects of our lives — including our classrooms.

How can Google Classroom support differentiation in the classroom?

Google Classroom can help streamline formative assessment, which is important in helping students who might need more support or extra challenges. For example, you can use the platform to quickly create, distribute, and collect digital exit tickets or auto-graded assessments. In a way, Google Classroom can make it easier and faster to gather regular feedback on your students’ progress. Of course, there are plenty of other formative assessment tools out there, many of which now offer integrations with Google Classroom.

Google Classroom also makes it easier to customize assignments for individual students or for small groups. This means teachers can give modified or differing assignments to certain students or groups in a class. You also have the option to check in with a student privately to see whether they have questions or need extra help. The option to do all of this online could make teachers’ efforts at differentiation less conspicuous to the class, something that can be helpful for students who might feel singled out.

With or without a tool like Google Classroom, differentiation is always going to be a matter of creative problem-solving, and there’s no one or “right” way to do it. Luckily, lots of teachers share their tips, tricks, and creative solutions online. Here’s an example of how one teacher uses Google Classroom to meet students at their levels.

How can families and parents stay in the loop with Google Classroom?

Google Classroom has options for teachers to send out updates about students’ classwork, but it doesn’t offer the level of communication you’ll find in tools like SeesawClassDojo, or Remind. Google refers to parents and families as “guardians” who can opt in to receive email summaries about missing work, upcoming work, and other class activity. It doesn’t, however, include features for direct messaging with families or allow families to comment on their children’s work.

What’s new in Google Classroom?

The platform has been updated quite a bit since its launch, and Google continues to introduce new features regularly, often based on feedback from teachers. For several years, users have been lamenting Google Classroom’s lack of grading features or a tool for creating rubrics. Google listened and is rolling out a new tool for collecting and grading work, called Assignments, late in the 2019-2020 school year. Anyone with access to G Suite for Education can apply to try out the Assignments beta for free.

How can I make Google Classroom more engaging and interactive for my students?

To make learning with digital content more dynamic for students, consider mixing up the types of resources you share with them in Google Classroom. In addition to G Suite tools like Google Docs and Google Slides, teachers and students can share other types of media, including images, links to websites, YouTube videos, and screencasts. Some teachers even give students a variety of options for submitting their work within Google Classroom. For example, you might offer students the choice to respond to a reading assignment with a comment, video clip, or drawing that shows their thinking.

If you’re looking to create an interactive hub for students, you might consider doing this on Google Classroom’s Stream page. Within Google Classroom, the Stream is a feed where everyone in the class can find announcements and upcoming assignments, and it’s the first thing students see when they log in. Alice Keeler, a well-known blogger who writes extensively about Google Classroom, recommends using the Stream to post your class agenda and suggests using Screencastify to post video messages for students.

Some teachers use the Stream to set up class discussion boards, where students can interact online by asking questions or commenting on each other’s posts. These discussion boards can help increase class participation and offer students more equity in having their voices heard (or read) by the class. With discussions, you can use the Stream as a closed social network of sorts, and it can be a great way to help kids practice using all kinds of different digital citizenship skills in a “walled garden” type of setting.

What other apps and websites integrate with Google Classroom?

There are now hundreds of external apps and websites that integrate with Google Classroom. Some of these apps may partner with Google, while others create and publish their own third-party add-ons in the Chrome store. If you’re using Google Classroom extensively, integrating other edtech tools can be a way to streamline your instruction. For example, say you want your students to study some vocabulary words using Quizlet; you can use the Google Classroom integration to directly share and assign a particular flash card set to your class. Or, if you’re looking for other learning content online, there are integrations with publishers like NewselaKhan Academy, and BrainPop, among others — you’ll find all kinds of articles, videos, and other educational content to share with your students.

Our article Nine Apps and Websites That Integrate with Google Classroom covers a handful of these, but the list certainly doesn’t end there. If there’s an edtech app or website you like using with your students, chances are there’s a way to link it within Google Classroom.

Where can I find more ideas about using Google Classroom?

If you’re looking for official information about Google Classroom, check out Google for Education’s Twitter feed for product updates, ideas for teachers, videos, and even a newsletter about G Suite for Education products. Many Google Classroom fans are also tweetingblogging, and even podcasting about all the ways they’re using the platform with students. With millions of teachers and edtech specialists field-testing, experimenting, and innovating with Google Classroom, it’s easy to find tips and inspiration from fellow educators online.

As you’re using Google Classroom, don’t be afraid to get creative with your own strategies, hacks, and innovative uses for the platform. Like most edtech tools, Google Classroom is what you make of it, and how it works will probably look very different from classroom to classroom. What’s most important is to find the strategies and tools within Google Classroom that work best for you and your students. You can share the ways you’re using Google Classroom with your students by leaving a Teacher Review today.