Download CBSE Affiliation Bylaws

CBSE has released affiliation bye laws for all schools and institutes affiliated to Central Board Of Secondary Education. CBSE Affiliation Bye Laws released on 18th October 2018 for 2018-19. Few points are updated after its released, you need to keep checking the circulars.  Download the Byelaws here:

Minimum Qualifications Of Teachers at CBSE School

Norms for Teachers Qualifications for appointment as a Teacher in CBSE School at Classes I to VIII under the Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education (RTE) Act 2009 and conduct of Central Teacher Eligibility Test 2011 by the CBSE.

The National Council for Teacher Education (NCTE) had vide Notification dated 23rd August, 2010 laid down the minimum qualifications for a person to be eligible for appointment as a teacher in classes I to VIII. A copy of the said notification is available on the official website of the NCTE and at

The NCTE Notification dated 23.08.2010 inter-alia provided that one of the essential qualifications for a person to be eligible for appointment as a teacher in any of the schools referred to in clause (n) of section 2 of the RTE Act is that he/she should pass the Teacher Eligibility Test (TET) which will be conducted by the appropriate Government in accordance with the Guidelines framed by the NCTE.

Here Onwards its clear that, all the appointments of teachers in classes I to VIII in the schools affiliated or to be affiliated with the CBSE are to be made as per the minimum qualifications notified by the NCTE.

Now, the Ministry of Human Resource Development, Government of India has entrusted the responsibility of conducting the Central Teacher Eligibility Test (CTET) to the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE). This CTET shall apply to the schools affiliated or to be affiliated with the CBSE in the following manner:-

  1. CTET conducted by the CBSE is applicable to the schools of the Central Government (KVS, NVS, and Central Tibetan Schools etc.) and schools under the administrative control of UT of Chandigarh and Andaman & Nicobar Islands.
  2. Unaided private schools may exercise the option of considering the CTET conducted by the CBSE or TET conducted by the State Government.
  3. The schools owned and managed by the State Government/local bodies and aided schools shall either consider the TET conducted by the State Government or the CTET conducted by the CBSE. The first CTET viz CTET 2011 is scheduled to be conducted by the CBSE on 26th June, 2011 and the details of the CTET 2011 are available on the CBSE Website All the schools/school managements are advised to take appropriate action accordingly.

All the schools/school managements are advised to take appropriate action accordingly.

There are set rules by National Council For Teachers education (NCTE) for the minimum qualification of teachers to teach in schools. In CBSE Affiliation its mandatory for Teachers Appointment to follow guidelines.

You can visit the link below for more details:

CBSE circular link



Ensuring Safety and Security: CBSE Guidelines for Schools

School Safety & Security

After few  incidents in a private schools, the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) issued a notice to all its affiliated schools enlisting new safety guidelines to ensure a child’s safety and security in school premises.

Notification released on 12 September 2017 by the CBSE keeping students safe within schools would “solely lie upon the school authorities”. The guidelines came amid increased concerns about the safety of students in school premises following the gruesome incidents.

“As the children are spending most of their time in school, the concern of parents about the safety of school children is increasing every other day regarding their physical safety, mental & emotional health or child abuse owing to increasing incidents involving safety and well-being of school children. The onus for safety and security of children in school campus shall solely lie upon the school authorities. It is a fundamental right of a child to engage and study in an environment where he/she feels safe and is free from any form of physical or emotional abuse or harassment,” the CBSE directive stated.

The CBSE circular, published on the official website, stated that the CBSE-affiliated schools will have to comply with the new guidelines within two months from the release of notification.

The new safety guidelines issued are as follows:

1) Schools should strive to promote a better understanding amongst their teachers and staff on the laws protecting the safety, security and interests of the students and device means to take immediate remedial and punitive action against such violations. The staff members should also be educated to recognize their protective obligation towards students and to ensure safety and well-being of children in schools.

2) Schools will need to get the security /safety audit done on their premises and personnel from their respective local police station within the next two months.

3) Install CCTV Cameras at all vulnerable areas/point in the School premises and ensure they are functional at all times.

4) Police Verification and Psychometric evaluation must be conducted for all staff employees, emphasizing this be done meticulously for non-teaching staff as well like bus conductors, drivers, peon, and other support staff.

5) Ensure that supporting staff is employed only from authorized agencies and proper records are maintained.

6) Constitute parent-teacher-students committee to address the safety and security needs of the students and to take regular feedback from parents in this regard.

7) Closely monitor access to school buildings by outsiders and visitors.

8) Provide training and development for staff to address their responsibilities to protect children from any form of abuse.

9) The schools shall constitute separate committees for redressal of public, staff, parents, students grievances, Internal Complaints committee on sexual harassment and committees under POCSO (Protection of Children from Sexual Offence) Act, 2012 and details of the these committees along with contact details shall be displayed prominently on School Notice Board and conspicuously on the school website for information of all stakeholders.

Making the safety guidelines mandatory for all its affiliated schools, the notification also said, “Any violation or lapses with regard to safety and well-being of children in school campus would invite appropriate action including the disaffiliation of the school as per the provisions under affiliation bye-laws of the board.”


CBSE School Principal Qualification

For this please refer CBSE Affiliation Bye-Laws and circulars released by CBSE.

Qualification for a PRINCIPAL of a CBSE School:



(i) Masters Degree or Honours Degree

  • Foreign University recognised as equivalent to the Master’s Degree of an Indian University by the U.P.S.C. (or)
  • Honours Degree of such Indian Universities as may be recognized equivalent to the Master’s Degree by the U.P.S.C.

(ii) A teaching Degree or a Diploma in Education or its equivalent – B.Ed

(iii) Experience as required under anyone of the following clauses:

a)  At least 3 years experience of administrative charge of a recognised College having Intermediate or higher classes.

b)  At least 5 years experience of administrative charge of a recognised High School.

c)  At least 5 years experience of teaching in a recognised college or Higher Secondary School or an equivalent teaching experience in a Teachers Training Institute.

d)  At least 8 years teaching experience in a recognised High School.

e) At least 5 years experience including 3years educational administrative experience and 2 years teaching experience in a recognised High or Higher Secondary School or a Teachers Training Institute



Bachelor of Engineering with 5 years teaching experience in a recognised College or Hr. Sec. School



Trained Graduate Heads of recognised High Schools who have attained the age of 45 years and possess at least 15 years teaching experience of Secondary classes in a recognised High/Higher Secondary School (including at least 5 years administrative experience as Head of a recognised High School.)



Persons possessing Masters Degree with at least 15 years teaching experience in a recognised Higher Secondary School and/or a recognised college having attained the age of 45 years.



Persons possessing Masters Degree in Education and having the requisite experience as provided for in anyone of the forgoing clauses A to D.


At least Master’s Degree (or its equivalent) with a teaching degree or its equivalent with 5 years experience of teaching of High or Higher Secondary/Intermediate classes.


  1. i)  At least Bachelor’s Degree from a recognised University;
  2. ii)  B.Ed. from a recognised University/Institute; and
  3. iii)  8 years experience of teaching Secondary School classes (up to class X) or 12 years of teaching experience of Middle and Secondary classes of which minimum 5 years being experience of teaching the Secondary classes; or 5 years experience as Headmaster of Middle School or other equivalent administrative experience.

State Govt Permission mandatory to start CBSE School?

To commence a CBSE school following the completion of land acquisition and construction, it is imperative to obtain recognition from the State Government for classes 1 to 8. It is mandated that the school operates under the name specified in the recognition. Therefore, acquiring State Government permission is essential. Additionally, as per the provisions of the Right to Education (RTE) Act of 2009, the school must renew its State Government permission annually. While some states may stipulate renewal every 2 to 5 years, adherence to this requirement remains mandatory.

Failure to comply with these regulations may result in schools being unable to furnish the necessary documentation during the extension of affiliation. In such instances, the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) retains the authority to reject the application.

I offer valuable information, advice, guidance, and suggestions through consultation services. Kindly note that my consultation services are offered at a charge, ensuring dedicated attention and expertise.

For CBSE Affiliation Assistance and Consultation : +91 9644888899.

सीबीएसई मान्यता : जरुरी बातें 

सी.बी.एस.ई मान्यता के लिए स्कूल संचालक को भवन निर्माण से पहले ही इसकी रूप रेखा निर्धारित कर लेना चाहिए |  भवन हेतु सीबीएसई नेशनल बिल्डिंग कोड के अंतर्गत शिक्षण संस्थान के अनुकूल होना चाहिए | 
सीबीएसई की मान्यता स्कूल खुलने से पहले नहीं मिलती (ये सवाल अक्सर पूछा जाता है ), एक सीबीएसई विद्यालय होने  का क्रम कैसे होगा :-
१. ज़मीन का निर्धारण (सीबीएसई के अनुसार शहर अनुरूप ज़मीन का  आकार )
२. नॉट फॉर प्रॉफिट सोसाइटी या ट्रस्ट या कंपनी का रजिस्ट्रेशन 
३. भवन का डिज़ाइन और निर्माण (सीबीएसई के अनुसार जरुरी प्रावधान )
४. राज्य शासन की मान्यता 
५.  राज्य शासन से अनापत्ति प्रमाण पत्र (सीबीएसई हेतु मंत्रालय से)
६. शिक्षको की भर्ती (भर्ती नियम , योग्यता, सैलरी आदि नियमानुसार )
७. कर्मचारी भविष्य निधि आदि का प्रावधान 
८. अन्य बहुत से प्रशासनिक विभागों से सर्टिफिकेट – अग्नि शमन विभाग, जल विभग, लोक निर्माण विभाग, आदि 
९. अन्य आवश्यक कागजात 
प्रत्येक वर्ष सी.बी.एस.ई. की मान्यता हेतु जनवरी से मार्च तक सीबीएसई की वेबसाइट पर लिंक खुला होता है और आवेदन ऑनलाइन ही जमा किये जाते हैं , आवेदन करने से पूर्व कुछ जरुरी तैयारी करना होता है एवं अनुभवी व्यक्ति को ही आवेदन फॉर्म भरना चाहिए | 
For CBSE Affiliation Assistance and Consultation please contact +91 9644888899. (No Free Service)

Can a CBSE affiliated school take franchise of another school brand?

There are two points one can uinderstand from this question.

  1. School is already affiliated to CBSE and now you are looking for franchisee. In this case my reply, Yes you can take, but school name will change after taking franchisee. So, this is case of a school name change because once you take any franchisee you need to change the school name on papers. As per new CBSE Bye-Laws there is provision of “Permission of name change of school/society (As per status of school)” for which anyone can apply. You need to prepare necessary documents before you apply. For more details please check the latest CBSE Bye laws.
  2. Else, If you are going to start a New School with Franchisee name, then you have to go with the normal process of affiliation, which will be considered as fresh Affiliation like any normal school.

For more details or assistance you can contact School Support.

Secrets That Will Get Your Resume Shortlisted

You have a maximum of 30 seconds for your CV to grab a recruiter’s attention. Make it count!

Rejected CV: 1. A Ridiculous Email Address

You may be a fan of Shahrukh Khan, but do you need really need to use this simply daft email address –

Email addresses like this should be kept for private use. It takes 5 minutes to set up a ‘professional sounding’ email address via any free email providers.

We see some real shocking email addresses and they give us an instant negative perception of a candidate.  Try to stick to using your name with an email address.  What a shame it would be to be the perfect fit for a position only to fall at the first hurdle because of your ‘funny’ email address?

Rejected CV: 2. Spelling & Grammar

No real excuses for this, but it’s amazing the amount of CVs that come through littered with spelling mistakes and poor grammar. We have even seen the misspelling of Curriculum Vitae itself. Try and remember that this is a document that represents you and mistakes will reflect incredibly badly.
Check and check your CV once again. And then pass it onto a friend who will able to check it and give you some constructive criticism. One great way to check your CV is to sit down and read it out loud. This will flag up any sections that may be too long or may need more punctuation.

Rejected CV: 3. Formatting

There is nothing worse than seeing a CV on screen or paper with a Poor formatting won’t just turn off the recruiter it could also put a candidate at a real disadvantage when it comes to job boards. Some job boards will struggle to correctly display a poorly formatted CV at all.

Rejected CV: 4. Silly Fonts

We get so many CVs where people go a bit ‘artistic’ and use 5 different fonts in all the colours of the rainbow. The golden CV rule is to keep to one single easy to read font like Calibri, Arial or the newspaper font of choice, Times New Roman and to keep the font black. Avoid those hard to read fonts like Blackadder ITC or ugly fonts like Comic Sans.  And try and keep the font size to at least 10.  Reducing the size to 8, it probably indicates that your CV is too busy.


Rejected CV: 5. Misleading Information

All businesses are now carrying out extensive background checks prior to taking somebody on board. Nearly everybody embellishes their achievements in jobs on their CV, but stretching the truth could land you in hot water. We have seen many candidates trip themselves up, with the most common misleading information being put on CVs being:

  • The inaccuracy of dates to try and cover up job hopping or unexplained gaps in employment
  • Inflated education achievements, including purchasing online/distance degrees which are worthless
  • Inflated salaries
  • Exaggerated job titles
  • Exaggerated career accomplishments
  • Blatant lies in regards to roles and duties
There can be many other reasons but we have mentioned few in our above post.
If you like us to help you and post here some more topics, Please mention them in below comment box. We will try to help you with most possible resources and information.  
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Can anyone do MBA right after Grade 12?

Answer is YES.

Indian Institute of Management, IIM, Indore offers a special program called Integrated Program in Management. It is a 5 year course which will provide a degree of Masters in Business Administration. The course format is simple. In the first three years, the course will include the graduation syllabus and the next two years will cover the syllabus of masters. There will not be any test in between the phases. Click below to know more.